The Family

The Family
Spring at Biltmore

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Nango Jazz Fest

We had an opportunity to go to the Jazz Festival in Nango yesterday (Saturday). This (apparently) is a world-reknown festival featuring musicians from all around the world to include a Headline band that traveled in from New Orleans.

Nagno is a city about a 30 minute drive south of Misawa. We had such an eventful day. We drove down with our new friends Kourt, Melissa, and Kellie. (We took our car so it was great practice driving off Base for Jason and I). Before we left Misawa, we ate at a great Noodle Restaurant for lunch. It was very authentic as we got to sit on the floor to eat Japanese style. (I tell you, if pays to be an agile pregnant gal around here!)

Once we got to Nango, we were all surprised at the almost absurd order at the Jazz fest. The Japanese don't mess around. We learned much about thier culture in just this one outting. The parking lot was packed (there seemed to be 3 parking attandants per car).

However, as we walked up to the grassy area surrounding the amplitheater....we couldn't believe how quiet and orderly it was for as many people that were there! It was also extremely clean...every group had their own little trash bags to accumulate thier trash and when it was full, everyone went to dump it into the larger trash cans at the front gate. Even the smokers carried a small plastic pouch that they put their cigiratte in after they had extinguished it. You couldn't find a piece of litter.

We met up with several people from Misawa once we were there. The rain started about 30 mintues after we got there, but it did not dampen the mood. The Japanese are very prepared and accomadating people. Most of us Americans felt prepared for the weather when we put on our jackets as the rain started, but felt quite unprepared as you watched the Japanese not only put on thier ponchos and rain pants, but water proof hats, blankets and tents. The Event staff was quick to put up several rain pavilions and we all just put our blankets and lawn chairs underneath the pavilion, and we were happy campers! Would that ever happen in the states?

Overall we had a great day and night. We were there for almost 8 hours and heard some great jazz, ate some great food, got acclimated with more of the Japanese culture and got to know our Misawa friends even more.


Anonymous said...

The jazz festival looked like great fun - but bet you didn't have ribs like we will tomorrow (today actually as it is 12:57 am Sunday). We're hoping for better weather too! Jazz, ribs and Harry Potter!



Japan is indeed an orderly and deferential culture. Your jazz festival experience demonstrated those characteristics that make, in many ways, Japan a delightful culture within which to live.

At the same time, the Japanese are a very complex people and the longer you live there the more you see other examples of their cultural behavior that sometimes make it hard for us Westerns to reconcile with their orderliness and politeness.

On a lighter note, as Ginny wrote, we are off to the annual Columbus Rib and Jazz festival. Weather will be in the 80s and clear. We are taking a blanket and intend to find a spot equally near the bands and the BBQ pits!



Anonymous said...

I see a red cardigan!!

