The Family

The Family
Spring at Biltmore

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Our first week in Japan

Friday evening
July 13, 2007
(well, that’s when we started writing this email!! It’s now):

Saturday EARLY morning
July 14, 2007
1:35am –on our way to bed!

Hello Everyone!

We were just walking back to our Temporary Housing Room after a little shopping when we started to reflect how much has happened this past week. Just a week ago, we were getting ready to board our first leg of our flight to Japan. So much has happened this past week! We have: (in no particular order)

-traveled over 10,500 miles
-successfully navigated 3 Japanese Airports
-stayed overnight in Tokyo
-recovered from Jet lag (barley)
-had “the best pizza on base” twice
(zesty bbq chicken pizza)
-spent an evening chatting with our Sponsor and his wife
-taken 2 walks/jogs at 4:30am as a result of jet lag
-gotten Jason’s paperwork process at the hospital started including getting credentialed
-Jason got an office, well, a desk in the break room he’s using as an office until Dr. Peterson leaves in Dec
-Suz had her first Dr.’s apt here
-We’ve purchased 1.5 cars (we’re trying to finalize the deal of the second car as I type)
-got our house assigned, 3 bedroom, spacious, no really, townhouse just seconds away from the hospital and commissary (move in on Monday)
-got our driver’s licenses so we can now legally drive on the “wrong” side of the road
-toured a Shinto and a Buddhist temple
-toured 2 cities of Japan
-sampled squid, smoked herring and sea pineapples at the fish market
-bought Baby Jacob a crib and dresser
-found the post office and got our mail
-bumped into at least 3 different people from Indiana or IU, seen 2 Colts tee shirts, and one OSU football sweatshirt.
-signed up to get our telephone and internet service hooked up in our new house
-made some new friends
-got recruited to play on the hospital Softball team
-signed up for the Base movie rental card and rented a couple movies
-received security briefings from the OSI (FBI of the Air Force) officer
-learned that the Japan and Base Blood Alcohol limit is .03
-eaten at a Indian lunch buffet for lunch
-eaten Japanese soft serve ice cream….one cone sesame flavored and one pineapple flavored
-eaten Burger King, Taco Bell, Subway, Charlie’s Grill and pizza twice before eating sushi. (In our defense, it’s hard to explore the local cuisine when one does not have a car to drive off Base, and….we have eaten a couple noodle bowls while we’ve been out and about and HELLO, we did try squid!)
-signed up for msn instant messenger so we can all im at any time!
-met 1 person who knows Ian Baxter (that’s for all of our Dayton friends!)
-watched Sports Center at least 5 times (It’s just one day behind for us!)
-seen beautiful 500 year old Japanese cedar trees and so many gorgeous hydrangeas EVERYWHERE in Japan! Most of them are blue but they are certainly the flower of choice in and around northern Japan.
-worn the same outfit several times since it has been chilly and raining here the last few days and we only brought tee shirts, shorts and sandals! (Apparently, by the end of the month, we’ll be wishing it were this mild again!)

There are so many more things too, but we just can’t remember them all! Hope you are doing well and miss you all! When we get “settled” (as “Settled”, I mean in our new house with loaner furniture until our shipments start to arrive) next week, we’ll send out our phone number for more contact info. For right now though…emailing has been perfect!

Love to you all and take care!
Jason and Suz

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello to you both! So glad to hear that you are getting settled into your new home. I'm sure it is very exciting. Thanks for sharing all the pics. You look happy being prego Suzy :-) Take Care & Keep in touch! Daphne