Greetings! My name is Jacob. Mommy and Daddy are letting me write my first blog!
I have so much to tell you. First, I know I came 3 weeks early, but I didn't want Daddy to start working. That's why I made my debut on Tuesday, July 24, (Daddy's alleged first day of call).
I have so much to tell you. First, I know I came 3 weeks early, but I didn't want Daddy to start working. That's why I made my debut on Tuesday, July 24, (Daddy's alleged first day of call).
I had not planned on arriving this early, so Mommy was very surprised when her water broke early Tuesday morning. Boy, did I catch my parents off guard! They were good sports though, and quickly accepted the fact that I was on my way. Mommy was put on Pitocin while Daddy ran home to pack our bags.
I labored for 14 hours, but Mommy got an infection and a fever about 11 hours into the day. She was put on antibiotics. My heart rate was elevated and I scared my poor Daddy a little, but everything was ok.
I did forget one important instruction while I was laboring. APPARENTLY, I fell into the fire, NO WAIT, that was my buddy Eric. APPARENTLY, I was supposed to be born face down (I think that was going to be covered during week 38, but like I said, I was early). I was confused and sustained much swelling and many bruises due to my poor decision...Mommy had it pretty rough too.
Even so, I came into this world crying nice and loud. I weighed 7 lbs even and was 19 and 3/4 inches. I was born at 9:30pm here in Japan. Since Mommy had an infection, so did I. I was put onto antibiotics for my first 48 hours, which is why it looks like I have a cast on my arm. That was just my IV!
Mommy, Daddy, and I all got to share a room at the hospital. We had tons of fun, and heaven knows my parents would NOT put that darn camera away.
We were going to come home yesterday, but I also missed another important point (which was likely scheduled during week 39). APPARENTLY, babies are supposed to poop before they are allowed to leave the hospital. Seeing that I was not told this info until last minute, I made everyone nervously wait for me to pass the oh-so gross meconium plug. I am happy to report that I performed my duties to the satisfaction of my pediatrician. I was able to take my parents home at 5:00pm Friday, July 27. One last funny note, APPARENTLY, all of my stuff that my Mommy and Daddy packed for me got lost in a warehouse at Travis AFB, California. Currently, there is no firm ETA on the delivery of my things. So, my sweet Daddy borrowed a car seat from the Misawa Base Family Resource Center. Unfortunately, all they had was an infant-toddler car seat.'s hard to find me when I'm sitting in the car. Mommy and Daddy keep laughing when they see this picture.
Well, we're home now and getting settled as best we can with loaner furniture and the things my parents could bring on the airplane. But as my Daddy learned in ROTC, "Flexibility is the key to air power"...and clearly to having a baby too! The 3 of us are going to be just fine. Good talking to you all, and I can't wait to meet you soon. Gotta run, it's time to eat, but check out my portfolio on Snapfish. (Email my Mom and Dad if you didn't get the link)
Jacob Robert Massengill
(they call me 'One Eye Jake')