Hello everyone. Just wanted to give you a quick update. Jacob is really doing well and making great strides in his physical therapy. His therapists tell us he is the most mild tempered and thus most rapid improving torticolis tot they have ever seen! What an over-achiever! He's had about 5.5 weeks of total PT and already looks stronger and straighter. He has caught up on several milestones. He sits up on his own and is starting to get the hang of cruisin, although he still needs a bit of assistance standing up and keeping his balance. His siting posture is remarkably better as well. Don't we all wish we could have had abs that looked like a six-pack at that age. He hasn't learned to crawl yet. Mainly because he likes to stand rather than be in the crawl position. The family cat acts as a good lure to entice him to crawl. It won't be long before he is chasing after Aticus. However, it would not surprise any of us if he decides to skip the crawling phase and go straight to walking.
Sometimes he gets a bit grumpy with all we put him thru and scowls at us...but then everything is fine a few minutes later!!!
He just saw his Rehabilitation physician. Besides the fact she wanted to take him home due to his cute smile and flirting personality, she also said she would likely release him to return back to Japan in 4-6 weeks. Although it is a long time away, at least there is light at the end of the tunnel.
He and Suzy are staying busy while in the USA. For Grandpa's Day (Father's Day) he went to his first baseball game to see the Columbus Clippers. This weekend he is heading to Indiana to meet his Great Grandma and Grandpa Massengill who flew in from Florida for two weeks. Next weekend Aunt Amy is getting married. And finally, and most importantly, we are celebrating Suzy's Birthday today! Happy Birthday, Mom!!!!
Well that is it for now. Enjoy the pics. Talk to you all soon.
The tired CNK (crooked neck kid), the birthday girl (Suzy), and the lone Japanese Massengill (Jason)
Happy Birthday Susan!!!
Jacob's smile is priceless!!! It is great having you two around for the summer!!!
For future reference, Atticus prefers two "t"s in his name.
Can't wait for tonight!!
Happy Birthday Suzy!!! I hope you had a great day.
Your son is so stinkin cute! His smile is priceless!
Love, Heather
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