When I was born in Washington, D. C., December 1944, my father was flying B-26s in the Pacific Theatre, World War II.
He had passed through Australia and purchased a Koala teddy bear, which he sent home to me and my mother. At that time, Koala bears were over-running Australia and were hunted to be turned into stuffed bears. They are now protected.
After I was born my mother took a series of pictures of Koala and me in the crib (Left photo-double click for larger view). The series of photos were mailed to my father to show him how much I was growing each month and what a good job Koala was doing as a young teddy bear.
Since then, Koala has been receiving regular reports from Susan and Jason concerning Mr. Bear’s progress. Koala has been very pleased with the reports.
Thanks Daddy!! As you can see from the sequential photos, Jacob has drastically changed from 2 to 4 to 8 weeks old.