The Family

The Family
Spring at Biltmore

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What I've Learned in 4 weeks!

Hello to all. Baby Jacob reporting in.

I am excited to celebrate my birthday! It's hard to believe that I have been in this world for over 4 weeks now. My parents say that I am already growing up too fast! I have had a fabulous time learning all sorts of new things. My parents have been pretty cool and taken me to a few places so I've gotten to see lots too! Here are some of the things I've learned and seen over the past 4 weeks:

-how to eat

- how to gain weight (I'm a whopping 8lbs, 8oz now!! Holy Cow!)

-how to pee on my parents (and on myself sometimes too!) during diaper changes

-how to open both eyes at the same time (I am no longer known as "one-eye Jake" albeit a cool nick name)

-how to burp like a champ

- how to enjoy "T" time with dad (T stands for testosterone girls allowed). We like to talk about fantasy football, action movies, and the latest sports news. It also gives mom a break to do other things.

-the most comfortable positions to sleep on Mommy and Daddy during naps

-where the pediatrician's office is (I've been there 5 times now!)

-how to stay cool; it was in the 90's with heat index's in the 100's and we don't have AC!

-where the Japanese Toy's R Us is in the city of Hachinohe (I've been there twice now! I had to tear my Dad away from the Star Wars/Transformer Toys...)

-I have received gifts from all over the world! A nurse in my Dad's office who went to Toyko Disney gave me a fun present. I also received a gift from a Doctor in my Dad's office who just returned from from Jamica, not to mention all the gifts I've gotten from other people here and in the states!

-I've learned how to use the web cam to talk to my all of my Grandparents and lots of other family memebers through the computer!

-how to take walks with my Mommy

-how to ride in the Baby Bjorn and my Mom's sling

-where the Pacific Ocean beach is here in Misawa

- how to sleep with F-16's flying over our house daily. My parents tell me it is so neat to watch all the planes flying over the Base all day and that I'll really enjoy them when I'm older!

-how to drive the Sgt. in charge of taking Passport pictures nuts.

There are lots of other things but I can't possibly write about them all! Hope you are all doing well and can't wait to meet everyone soon! Next thing on the agenda for September, learn how to control these darn hands. Bye for now.

Jacob "the movie star" Massengill

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Settling In

Sorry for the delay from one blog to the next! We've been so busy getting settled and staring at our Precious Jacob, that we find it hard to get much else done.

The three of us are doing great! We were excited to receive our first shipment of our belongings almost 2 weeks ago. We finally have the majority of all the fabulous things we got from baby showers and Suz's obsessive baby shopping. Now Jacob does not have to ride around in a car seat 10 times his size or hang out in borrowed pack n' plays and bouncers. We are very grateful for all of the wonderful people who loaned us their baby gear, but we are thankful to finally have our own things for Jacob. He loves playing and hanging out in all of his gear...especailly his bathtub! We also got a few kitchen supplies, a few more clothes, and our desktop computer. The clothes have not done much for Suz though, since all she had packed for this shipment were more maternity clothes!! Oh well, who knew Jacob would have come as early as he did? We are still waiting on the rest of our belongings....the rest of our furniture, kitchen, clothes, accessories, etc. As much as we are looking forward to getting our things, unpacking all of that seems like an overwhelming project.

The weather here last past 2 weeks have been the hottest in Misawa in recorded history. It's been in the high 80's, low 90's coupled with 90% humidity and the heat index flirting with 100. The real kicker is that we don't have AC in our home! The only places on Base that have AC are the hospital and the commissary (grocery store). Suzy has been thankful that Jason works at the hospital, or the joke is she'd make him get a job stocking shelves at the commissary! Even our friends who live off base with AC had to finally turn off the air since it wouldn't work fast enough to cool down their house. Suz and Jacob have spent most of the past 2 weeks, sitting in front of fans at home and hanging out in Jason's office at the hospital. Thankfully, it has cooled down the past day or two and all of our moods have dramatically lifted.

Jacob is the most amazing thing either of us have set our eyes on. (A sentiment all new parents say I'm sure!). The fact that he is just a few days shy of 4 weeks seems impossible to us. He already seems to be growing up too fast! We are learning that parenting is not only the most rewarding experience, but the most frustrating. We (Suzy especially) have worried about more things in the past 4 weeks than we have our entire he eating enough? gaining enough weight? passing his hearing test? producing enough dirty diapers? too hot? All of our worrying so far has been just that, and he is doing very well. He is the most content baby we neither of his parents get anything done. Who could think about anything else whcould have asked for! He rarely cries (yet) and when he does, he is easily soothed. He is awake more and more every day which ensures that en those beautiful blue eyes are looking up at you?

We did manage to get his nursery mostly finished. We passed our first lesson in Misawa Paint Mixing 101. We spent a Saturday putting 2 coats of baby blue paint on the walls of Jacob's room. We hung up blue and beige teddy bear curtains we bought from the Japanese Home Store and put his bedding on his crib and hung a few pics too. We're still waiting for a dresser that we ordered to come in and we still need to hang an airplane quilt on his wall, but other than's pretty much done...the only room in our house that can carry that title for now!

Jason's first week of call was eventful. It was the busiest week that the department has seen in over 6 months. We thought it must have been to make up for all the time he had been off since graduation. He survived though and now we are all enjoying his 4 day weekend off. This past Friday was Family Sports Day on Base and Jason pitched for the Surgery Softball team. The team came in second place for the day and Jason had the war wounds to prove his teamwork! Not only was he covered in mud (it was raining most of the day) from a spectacular head-first slide into 2nd base (he was safe!), but he also got drilled in the shin from a batter's direct hit. He limped back to the car and proceeded to spend the rest of the afternoon with his leg elevated with ice (which did give Suzy time to take a break and go get a mani and a pedi!). We have decided he will survive, although he'll have a pretty impressive bruise.

We're spending this weekend with day trips to local towns, shopping, and taking Jacob to see the ocean for the first time. We'll post our adventures and more pics when our weekend is over!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Our First Week with Jacob

Hello everyone!!

First of all, what a whirlwind our last 3 weeks have been. Wow are we tired!!!! We still can't believe that we are in Japan nor that we are parents. It is truly sureal. We can't stop staring at him. He amazes us with something new every day. We have loved spending so much time with all of our friends' babies in Dayton, however, it is so much more fun when we don't have to give the kid back at the end of the night.

Although both of our household shipments have not arrived yet, we are learning the ropes of parenthood. We have met many wonderful people that have been incredibly helpful and generous by lending us bouncers, bjorns, pack-n-plays, strollers, car seats that fit, etc until all of our baby supplies get here.

There was a scheduled Welcome Picnic in our cul-de-sac for all the new neighbors this summer. It just so happen to fall on Jacob's first full day home. We took our 4 day old infant (all wrapped up) to make a brief appearance. You can imagine what a popular guy he was. Jason was holding Jacob and was offerred "a beer" at the picnic. We thought it was funny how big the Sapparo bottle was compared to Jacob.

We also had our first well-baby visit on Monday. Jacob had lost a little more weight than the pediatricians wanted to see. So, he has been on a VERY strict feeding regiment (set up by his parents with obsessive charts we made to record all feedings and diapers). A second visit a few days later showed our dividends as he gained half a pound back towards his birth weight. Way to Go Baby Jacob! Afterwards, we were feeling much better about our abilities as least for now! =)

We are planning on bringing Jacob home to visit family and friends this fall during Jason's conference in Louisville. This requires him to get his passport. That requires a passport picture.
Sounds easy, right? Not so much. The regulations require Jacob to have both eyes open, both ears showing, no hands (his or ours), and he can't be crying. This has been quite a challenge. We were in the passport office on Monday for 45 minutes attempting to get this picture before we threw in the towel and came home. We went back the next day after Jacob had been WIDE awake at home, but he of course decided to go to sleep and refuse to open his eyes. We decided to run a few more errands and OF COURSE he had eyes open big and bright. Now, I think he's doing it on purpose. Two more trips to the passport media office had us just rolling with laughter and frustration. Finally, they allowed us to just take our own pictures at home since they were unavailable at 3 AM when he is actually awake and picturesque.

(This is his passport picture...quite appropriate with his tongue sticking out at the process)

This week Jacob spent more time running errands than in our house. We ran to the Japanese baby store ("The White Bunny" as it is know on base) and found some very interesting baby food choices. We also had a very funny experience finding the right size blinds for our windows. Everything is so much easier when it is written in English as opposed to Kanji (one type of Japanese symbols).

We are going to end our week by painting some rooms in the house. This, of course, is not as easy as it sounds either. The Japanese do not take interior design as serious as Americans. There are no stores in the area that actually mix paint colors. Thus, the process goes....go to self help to get free gallons of white paint and painting supplies. Buy craft paint. Mix your own colors and go to town. Too bad we didn't work at Sherwinn Williams in our past lives.

We leave you with our Black and White family photos. Jacob is quite photogenic. We have decided we will keep him.

Talk to you soon.

Jason, Suzy and Jacob "the movie star of the family"