The Family

The Family
Spring at Biltmore

Monday, September 15, 2008

Misc Pics

We have had some wonderful weather the past several days, of which we have taken advantage. We have been to several playgrounds, on a couple bike rides, and some little trips to the beach. The only day with poor weather the past couple weeks was the day of the Misawa Air Base Air Show. We went for a little while to walk around but most air displays were cancelled due to the weather. We've also been to a couple parades and festivals. Some of the "pretty days" were spent boarded up in the house while Jacob recovered from a little bout of chicken pox. He came down with the rash and fever after getting the vaccine.

Jacob is getting bigger and more grown up every day. It feels like it is happening too quickly! Jacob has FINALLY started to get teeth and has one officially, while 3 more are poking through. He is becoming more and more independent and is quite a mover and a shaker. He will most likely be walking in the next few weeks and as exciting as that day will be....I am secretly enjoying the last few days when I do not have to chase after him more than I am now. We were not able to bring Mr. Bear with us to the States for our monthly pictures. We TRIED to get a 13 month pic with Jacob and Mr. Bear, but our sweet little boy could barley sit still long enough to snap a shot. Below are our better attempts.

We are gearing up for our upcoming trip to the States. (Doesn't it feel like we just got back to Japan?) We are leaving in a couple weeks and looking forward to seeing lots of you while we enjoy some time in Tennessee and in Virginia for Jason's conference. Here are some pics from the past 2 weeks.


Heather said...

Time to have another one? :)

Wendy said...

Two of our 3 ended up getting a SMALL dose of chicken pox about a year or so after their vaccine. Stupid TX still made us get the booster to get into school. I was like "HELLLLOOOO, they had the shot, and the pox, they are done" OF course I gave in. I am too tired. You guys are so busy out there. Makes me wanna come visit!

Wendy said...

Why do they always do peace signs in pictures (first picture) and..... is that your dog? A puppy??