The Family

The Family
Spring at Biltmore

Monday, September 3, 2007

Moving Day

Well, it only took 2 months from the time our things were packed in Ohio to the time it got to us in Japan. Last Tuesday we finally received our belongings. And boy were we ready for them! It was so nice to sit on our own couch and sleep in our own bed. It was funny to think that the last time we saw our furniture, Jacob was still in Suzy's belly!! We were very fortunate to have another beautiful Air Force move. Our things made it to the other side of the world without a scratch. The only casualties were a broken Margarita glass and a broken Halloween trick-or-treat bowl. Not bad! The only real headache was the fact that there was a miscommunication regarding the furniture we had loaned. We thought they were coming on the same day to pick the loaner furniture as we received our shipment, HOWEVER, that was not the case. The lonaner furniture couldn't be picked up until 2 days later. SO, we were literally tripping and climbing over furniture. We had to start unpacking boxes just to create space enough to move around. HA! We went from no furniture, to too much!

As you can see, Jacob was a big help. He was truly the man behind the operation. He told the Japanese movers where to put all the boxes. It was hysterical to see 10 Japanese men ogle over Baby Jacob. He is such a ham! They couldn't get enough of him.

Needless to say, we've been unpacking this week. We have all the boxes unpacked. Now, it's just a matter of organizing everything and putting it all away. It certainly does feel more like home with our things here. We're hoping to get some more painting done next week while Jason's on vacation. We'll try to get some pics out of our finished rooms as we get them done.


Anonymous said...

Polite drunk Japanese men? Japanese men ogling over babies? What next?!?!?! A lady who comes to your house to clean and do your toenails? Wait! You already have that!!

I am glad your stuff got there! Good job helping direct Jacob!

Miss you!

Aunt Bridge

Heather said...

Love all the amazing posts!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everyone is settling in once and for all. Have fun painting the rest of your rooms. Jacob will do a good job of supervising. Everyone we speak to enjoy reading your blogs. Waiting for the next one. Later