Poem Disclaimer:
Names and events may have been changed to protect those involved. No actual babies were tested on, hurt, put to bed with dirty bibs or allowed to sleep with stuffed animals in their beds. All events are fictional and any similarities to the truth are purely coincidental and were only used to help with rhyming.
T'was the night after Christmas, and somewhere on Base
Was Little Jacob with drool on his face.
The Stockings were still hung from our bookshelf with care
In the hopes that more Rice Cereal soon would be there.
In the hopes that more Rice Cereal soon would be there.
While remnants of spit-up dried on his bib.
Mom fixed dessert and Dad brewed some tea,
They had just settled down to watch a Christmas movie.
They had just settled down to watch a Christmas movie.
When out from the monitor arose such a clatter,
We sprung from the couch to see what was the matter.
Away up the stairs to the nursery we ran,
To see what was wrong with our 'Little Man'.
The door we did open and gazed in the room,
To peek on the Baby in the light of the moon.
But a five-month old rolling over to play with Rudolph the Reindeer!
With a hoot and a holler and a toot from his butt,
We knew in a moment it was wind that he had cut.
He oooh's and aaah's and responds to his name.
He's five months old now and growing every day,
He just had his first Christmas and got new toys with which to play.
Forgive us for our lame poem, we tried to delight,
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
Love and Holiday Wishes,
Suzy and the Boys